Divorce can be a messy affair and it gets more complicated when there are kids and property involved.
These are some of the things that can be used against you in a divorce:
Your financial status
One of the most common is your financial situation. If you make more money than your spouse, they may be able to use that against you in court. They may try to claim that you can afford to pay more child support or alimony.
History Of Abuse
Another thing that can be used against you is if you have a history of violence or abuse. This can be used to try to get custody of your children. It can also be used to get a restraining order against you.
If you have been unfaithful to your spouse, that can also be used against you. This can make it harder for you to get custody of your children if it can be proved that you exposed them to inappropriate people or situations during the course of the affair.
Bad Parenting
If you have been accused of being a bad parent, that can also be used against you. This can be used to try to get custody of your children.
Drug Use
If you have a history of drug use, that can also be used against you. This can be used to try to get custody of your children or to prove that you are unfit to parent them.
Mental Health Issues
If you have mental health issues, that can also be used against you. This can be used to try to get custody of your children or to prove that you are unfit to parent them.
Alcohol Abuse
If you have a history of alcohol abuse, that can also be used against you. This can be used to try to get custody of your children or to prove that you are unfit to parent them.
Criminal History
If you have a criminal history, that can also be used against you. This can be used to try to get custody of your children or to prove that you are unfit to parent them.
Poor Moral Character
If you have poor moral character, that can also be used against you. This can be used to try to get custody of your children or to prove that you are unfit to parent them.
Social Media Posts
Any posts that you have made on social media can also be used against you. This can be used to try to prove that you are unfit to parent your children or to show that you have a history of violence or abuse.
If you are going through a divorce, it is important to speak with an experienced divorce attorney who can help protect your rights.